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Welcome to the PHRC

The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center collaboratively engages with the residential construction industry to catalyze advancements in homebuilding through education, training, innovation, research, and dissemination.

We aim for a residential construction industry equipped with the knowledge, skills, and technology to build better homes.

Conference attendees at networking events

Workshop attendees listening to presentation

Zoomed in P H R C logo

Detail of rim board insulation



The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center serves the home building industry and the residents of Pennsylvania by improving the quality and affordability of housing.

We conduct applied research, foster the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, and transfer appropriate technologies to the housing community.

Pennsylvania Housing Research Center

219 Sackett Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2341

Fax: 814-863-7304
