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What does BBC stand for?

BBC stands for Baja Beach Club

This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories:

  • Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc.

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The proof of this was that turning 29 was quite a sophisticated affair compared to my previous birthdays, which have seen me drunkenly climb on a parked car, fall asleep in a taxi and lose my shoe on the Baja Beach Club dancefloor, not all on the same night, of course.
In the old days, the closest we got to eating out was a packet of chips at the bus stop or a burger after a night in Baja Beach Club, if we were feeling flush.
For example, in Newcastle the closing of a main route to the world-renowned Quayside, namely Dean Street, effectively killed that particular circuit and such iconic venues as the Tuxedo Princess, Julies, Blue Night Club and the Baja Beach Club have all now gone.