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What does SCDC stand for?

SCDC stands for South Carolina Department of Corrections

This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories:

  • Military and Government
  • Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc.

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We have 44 other meanings of SCDC in our Acronym Attic

Samples in periodicals archive:

Barbara Skeen Associate Director for Medical Review, Office of General Counsel, South Carolina Department of Corrections Since 1984, Barbara Skeen has worked for the South Carolina Department of Corrections in several positions, including institutional nurse manager, infection control nurse, regional health services director and division director of professional standards.
Finkell's staff and the South Carolina Department of Corrections were equally committed.
Knowing Your Facility's Weaknesses A national study conducted by the South Carolina Department of Corrections in 1973 found that there was a greater chance for a riot in correctional institutions where inmates thought active recreational programs were inadequate.